Sumo Cyco

Published on 7 June 2021 at 14:00

Sumo Cyco


Hardlife Promotion/Napalm Records: 04-06-2021



Sumo cyco a band who always creates a unique blend of different styles together. Sometimes even pop and reggea into their music. You cant really put a label on Sumo cyco. Or say their like that or that. Its just a little bit of everything in a good original way. Some say it reminds them of No doubt and Skindred. Well judge for yourself. But in the end it doesnt matter which genre it is as long as the music can make you feel something right. And yes it does for me it makes me feel inspired, happy and uplifting. It is one of these bands that can make me dance and headbang at the same time. Ofcourse this is not for everyone. But for the metalheads and beyond that that are openminded for a little mix of styles go and give it a try. And its very catchy. And the melodys will be stuck in your head for the rest of the week. Dont say I havent warned you!  - So Initiation is in my opinion the best cd that they made so far. It contains all of the elements of Sumo cyco their music. I like all the cds of them. But for me these songs on Initiation are even better and more variety then the previous ones. Like a level higher. I personally really love this new album. M.I.A is for me the most surprising song its a song that you wanna play when you are on vacation at a exotic country. And dance through the jungle of Jamaica. I get that feeling from the song M.I.A. Then Bystander the first single of Initiation. So many variations in singing. Must be difficult to play and sing this one live when the touring starts again. I love also the little "choir" part around the ending of the song. Very epic I want those kind of parts more! Good choice as a first single. Then the songs Love you wrong and Run with the giants. Those songs were released already before the album dropped. And where singles before. So actually alot of songs on these album are old and new singles. Because after that we got Bystander, No surrender, Vertigo and Bad news. I wonder if even more will follow with a music video. Talking about music videos. Check them out if you havent yet. They are DIY and very creative. You never know what to expect especially at the ending of the Bad news video. And its always a surprise which hair colour Skye has this time in a new video ; ) Most of the songs and music videos take place in Cyco city. A comic alternate universe created by Skye herself. With four gangs. Interesting own created world. Which always comes back in the merch , artwork , videos and so on. Original idea totally fits with the band. And alot of the songs are about finding that light at the tunnel after all this madness and "bad news" everywhere. With the pandemic going on and so on. And how it affects us also mentally. if you like to know more about the songs lyrically check out the interview here below I have done with the frontwoman of the band Skye "Sever" Sweetnam. Then the song Power & control. To be honest I hated that song the first times I listened to it. Now it starts to grow on me. And I even start to like it now. Love the kind of "choir" it has on the end aswell. Epic! Overdrive

is my personal favorite. From the first listen and till now. Also I love the bonus track Awakened and I feel it should be on the regular cd. Its a bit too repeative with the chorus. But I love the song. Makes you feel good. Then the last song of the album This dance is doomed would be great live. And at the end of the song it even contains a sample of the end of a live concert of them. Nice way to close the cd. With people clapping for the cd basically haha. Well if you are not afraid of a bit of genre blending and like some poppy catchy choruses , this uplifting "feel good" album of this metalband is definitely worth the try!


-Natasja Lain-

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